upayukt hona example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. No more here than elsewhere there is a category of the image that would materially and psychologically universal, a ready-made concept that would have used Greek culture to suit his needs 2. The characters Etruscan intaglios usually have long legs, a short torso; the suit is Greek 3. The river water treated so would suit all other needs 4. The social circles follow suit 5. The Soyuz spacecraft, carrying astronauts between Earth and the Salyut station was modified to accommodate only two cosmonauts, allowing them to wear a suit during critical phases of flight

Given are the examples of hindi word upayukt hona usage in english sentences. The examples of upayukt hona are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., suit, agree, serve, behove, be man, fit, match, fit in.

Management helps in the development of society: An orga-nisation has multiple objectives to serve the purpose of the different groups that constitute it.

Service motive: The basic motive of a profession is to serve their client s interests by rendering dedicated and committed service.
Persons high on this aspect easily adapt to their present environment or select a more favourable environment than the existing one, or modify the environment to fit their needs.
f a plan does not work, it is modified to suit the requirements of the task or situation.
Financial incentives refer to incentives which are in direct monetary form or measurable in monetary term and serve to motivate people for better performance.
If there is no match between what is said and what is expressed in body movements, communications may be wrongly perceived.
Some good people who may wish to serve the country do not enter this arena.
In an ideal world all political leaders know what is good for the people and are motivated only by a desire to serve them.
They may wish to serve the people as well, but it is risky to depend entirely on their sense of duty.
Besides even when they wish to serve the people, they may not know what is required to do so, or their ideas may not match what the people really want.
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